1. O Lisa! I so enjoyed this! I laughed with a tear in my eye because you so aptly described the high school experience for so many of us. Keep it up! Your writing is so beautifully descriptive of the human condition.


  2. I know how you felt. I changed schools during my sophmore year. Didn’t know a soul and I was, believe it or not very quiet and shy. I still am, but I hide it well. I found the art department. I knew I was good at what we did and it helped me meet people and be creative at the same time. Thank heavens I didn’t have to dance!


  3. I can’t remember exactly where we ran across each other in HS, but I know that I met you a few times (probably through Stacey? or Joni?). I remember you to this day as “friendly, funny and energetic” just like you said :-).


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